Material API

Listing and searching is analogous to Style with exception that each call should start with client.material

List of Material folders

Refer to Style folder listing.

Listing and Searching Styles

Getting all styles

Refer to Getting all styles.

Searching styles

Refer to Searching styles.

Getting Material Attributes

Example below returns Material Attributes as a dictionary

material_dict = client.material.attributes_get(header_id='e81d3be5-f5c2-450f-888e-8a854dfc2824')

Creating new Material or Updating material Attibutes

In material Attributes you may create or update:

  • Attributes fields
  • Colorways fields
  • Sizes
  • Suppliers

You can update all of the above within the same call.

Creating a Material or Updating Material Attributes


fields_update = {
    'header_name': 'New Material Name',
    'some_other_field_id': 'value'

# Creates new material

# Updates a material

Updating Material colorway fields

colorway_update = [
        'id': None, # if None - creates a new colorway
                    # otherwise should be a colorway id
        'fields': {
            # required when creating a new colorway
            'color_number': '#1',
            'color_name': 'My color',
            'primary':"000000",       # pitch black 
            # end required 
            'some_other_colorway_field_id': 'value'

Deleting colorway

You can delete colorway by ID

                colorway_id = 'f71d3be5-f5c2-450f-888e-8a854dfc2835')

Updating Material sizes

Sizes are replaced. You cant update individual sizes. You should provide a whole size range.

size1 = {
    'name': 'XXS',
    'price': 1.1,
    'currency': 'USD',
    'unitOfMeasure': 'inch',
    'comments': 'Awesome size!',
size2 = {....

                sizes=[size1, size2, ...])

Updating Material suppliers

supplier1 = {
     'Address': '1 Nice St.',
     'City': 'New York',
     'Country': 'USA',
     'Name': 'BeProduct',
     'Phone': '12 123 123',
     'State': 'NY',
     'Website': '',
     'Fax': '12 123 123',
     'Zip': '9010',
     'SupplierType': 'VENDOR'
supplier2 = {....

                suppliers=[supplier1, supplier2, ...])

Creating a Material or Updating all of the above fields within the same call

# Creates a material
                sizes=[size1, size2, ...])

# Updates a material
                sizes=[size1, size2, ...],
                suppliers=[supplier1, supplier2,...])

Deleting a Material


Uploading images to the Material Attributes

It is often a case when you need to upload an image to the Material Attributes page. Upload process consists of two stages.

  • UPLOADING of the file.
  • PROCESSING of the file in BeProduct. It is highly recommended that you don't do any changes to the material which is in processing stage until it's completed.

You have 2 options for uploading a file to BeProduct: either from file system or by providing a file url. In both cases upload id is returned. You also have a choice to specify material position where you want to upload your image. It can be main or detail.

Uploading stage looks as follows:

# Uploading from file system
upload_id = client.material.attributes_upload(
    header_id='e81d3be5-f5c2-450f-888e-8a854dfc2824',   # Material ID
    filepath='/home/beproduct/your_image.jpg')          # File location 

# Uploading from remote URL
upload_id = client.material.attributes_upload(
    header_id='e81d3be5-f5c2-450f-888e-8a854dfc2824',   # Material ID
    fileurl="") # File URL

# Uploading only to front side or back
upload_id = client.material.attributes_upload(
    header_id='e81d3be5-f5c2-450f-888e-8a854dfc2824',   # Material ID
    filepath='/home/beproduct/your_image.jpg',          # File location
    position='main')                                    # Position 'main', 'detail'

After that the image is being processed and we have to make sure the process has finished sucessfully before proceeding working with that material.

To check the image processing status you may want to implement something that looks as follows:

while True:
    (is_finished, is_error, error_msg) = client.material.upload_status(upload_id=upload_id)
    if is_finished and not is_error:
        # WE_ARE_OK logic
    if is_finished and is_error:
        # OMG_ERROR logic
        print('Error occured:', error_msg)
    sleep(3) # Let's wait 3 sec and try again

Uploading Colorway images

# Uploading from file system
upload_id = client.material.attributes_colorway_upload(
    header_id='e81d3be5-f5c2-450f-888e-8a854dfc2824',     # Material ID
    colorway_id = 'b71d3be5-f5c2-450f-888e-8a854dfc2824', # Colorway ID
    filepath='/home/beproduct/your_image.jpg')            # File location 

# Uploading from remote URL
upload_id = client.material.attributes_colorway_upload(
    header_id='e81d3be5-f5c2-450f-888e-8a854dfc2824',   # Material ID
    colorway_id = 'b71d3be5-f5c2-450f-888e-8a854dfc2824', # Colorway ID
    fileurl="") # File URL

Use example from the previous section to check the upload status.